Day 5 Task:
→ 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree:
Please review all the solutions and try implementing on your own if you haven’t gotten it.
Approach 1: Iterative approach
-> we check if there is a root in the first place, if not, we return none.
-> then, while a root node exists,
we check if the value given is less than the root node value,
if yes -> we move the root to the left (left subtree), similarly we
see if the value given is greater than the root node value,
if yes -> we move the root to the right (right subtree)
now if the root.val and val are equal (else condition) ==> return the root.
class Solution(object):
def searchBST(self, root, val):
if not root: return None
while root:
if val<root.val: root = root.left
elif val>root.val: root = root.right
else: return(root)
Approach 2: Recursive Approach
The concept is the same, rather than changing the root value here,
we recursively call the function with the left/right subtree as root
till we find the value
class Solution(object):
def searchBST(self, root, val):
if not root: return None
if val<root.val: return self.searchBST(root.left,val)
elif val>root.val: return self.searchBST(root.right,val)
else: return(root)
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